Monday, March 23, 2009

whenever I see your smiling face

I smile a lot. It's chronic. I guess you could say that I'm generally a happy person.

I mean, come on, when I've got people like this in my life:

how in the world could I not smile?

You can choose your friends, but you're pretty much stuck with your family. And I have to say that I feel extremely lucky that I'm stuck with a bunch of fun, loving goofballs as relatives...and as friends.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

because i just might throw a sheep at you

I enjoy Facebook. I really do. It's fun to connect with friends across the country that I may or may not get to see very often, to stay updated on their lives, and to see pictures and videos of their families, trips, etc. It's an uber-easy way to network and stay in touch.


Well, it's just that I don't love the applications. So if you try to send me something and I ignore you, please don't take it personally. The applications that I have allowed to "access my profile" are already starting to annoy me. I mean, I have enough Lil Green Plants to start my own rain forest. Or at least to raise suspicion from any virtual cops that I might be involved in some kind of online illegal growing ring. And then, of course, there's the Flair, which makes me feel like I should be an extra in Office Space--or a part-time server at TGI Friday's.

Maybe I don't like it because I don't understand it...or maybe it's because it seems to take the online virtual realtionship just a bit too far. I mean, if you want to Pass Me a Drink, I'd be happy to meet you down at the Edge or your bar of choice. And if you'd like to Hug me...well, if you're my friend, you probably know where you could find me and launch a full-fledged hug attack. It's just too hard to hug a computer screen.

So, please, feel free to comment on my status or write on my Wall or tag me in a picture (as long as it isn't too incriminating)...but if you want to Poke me or give me a Gift or recruit me to your Cause, just don't get offended when I choose "Ignore".

I promise I'm still your Friend.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So here we are in Tennessee, which most anyone with geographical sense would consider to be in the South, and some might even go so far as to call it the "Deep South."

And yet, it is March 12th, just one day before Spring Break officially begins, and it is 35 degrees cold and sleeting outside. Seriously, I think some schools are even closed.

I can imagine you reading this and saying, "Dear God, is she complaining about the weather AGAIN?"

Why yes, YES I AM. Because I live in TENNESSEE. And my favorite thing about living in the South is not the funny accents or the fried chicken or the insane football fever--it is the lovely, temperate weather. And right now, I am sorely disappointed.

If I have to put on my dog-hair-covered winter coat one more time, I just might scream. And then move to Florida.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Un-unique, or-- a snowflake, just like everyone else

Out of curiosity, I did a search of my name on Facebook, just to see what would come up. And I discovered that there are no fewer than 75 of me on Facebook. Seventy-four other people with my cognomen...on Facebook alone.

And I remember the days when I couldn't even find my name on a keychain in the giftshop at Cracker Barrel.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I helped chaperone a sixth grade field trip to the 12th Avenue Mosque today. As I was getting dressed this morning, it didn't occur to me that when you go into a mosque, you have to remove your shoes.

So what was I wearing underneath my tall black boots today?

Yep, Scooby Doo socks. I lost any air of superiority over those kids just as soon as I took off my shoes.

Monday, March 02, 2009


So I was going through the "My Pictures" file on the computer, trying to clean things up a bit, and I came across this photo, taken at one of the many impromptu porch parties from last summer:

When I look at this photo, what immediately jumps out at me?
1. flip-flops and sandals
2. tank tops
3. everything around us is green

Have I mentioned that I AM SO READY FOR SPRING?

Oh, and by the way, it is March 2nd, and there is snow on the ground. "In like a lion", my arse. How about "in like a polar bear"? Sigh.