Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy feast of martyred saints?

So, I know it's Valentine's Day, and I should probably post a sweet poem or a picture of a heart or a general "I love everyone" message...but there's a problem. I discovered that I have...a cynical side.


I know. It's hard to believe...I was surprised myself when it appeared. I mean, I'm a happy person. I like to think the best about people. I'm an optimist in almost all situations. I think I even smile when I'm asleep. These are not usually characteristics that you associate with a cynical person.

But, my cynical side is there. And it often pops up around Valentine's Day. I've never been a big "woohoo" Valentine's Day person. There are some big things I don't understand about this day. For example:

1. Why do we "celebrate" love on a day that was originally a feast to honor martyred saints? How did we move from a memorial dinner to conversation hearts?
2. Why should someone spend $100 on a bouquet of roses on February 14th, when they could get them for $24.99 on February 15th?
3. Why can I not resist Godiva chocolate? (Ok, so that isn't exactly Valentine specific, but hey, it's still a dilemna)

and the biggest one of all:
4. Why can't we just let people know that we love them all 365 days of the year?

These are my issues. So, I tend to just chalk V-Day up as a Hallmark of those celebrations that is totally perpetuated by the card companies in order to increase revenue.

So, honey, I love your guts...but the only valentine you will be getting from me today is one that a kindergartner helped me make this morning...and it's mostly a big mess of Elmer's glue and construction paper hearts.

But come on, that's cute any day of the year.

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