Wednesday, April 23, 2008

miss moneypenny

I sent an e-mail to a development colleague at a local school, and when she responded, I noticed something interesting at the bottom of her e-mail. Under her name, she had listed her title as "Donor Curator." Huh, I thought to myself, could this be a new development term/title that I am not yet familiar with?

So, I did what any curious person with internet access would do...I googled it. And I got nothing--except, of course, for those articles where the words "donor" and "curator" just happened to appear in close proximity to each other. Apparently, this was a title that she created for herself. Donor Curator. I had to chuckle, because it amuses me when people attempt to gussy up their job titles to make them sound more elegant and interesting.

I began to wonder how I could change my own title to make it sound a little more intriguing...but then I thought of a more interesting question: What if I tried to make my title sound worse ? I have sometimes heard development officers referred to as "professional beggars", so I tried to think of variations along those lines. Here are some that I came up with:

* Beggar with a Cause
* Pickpocket with a Purpose
* Cash Cultivator
* Fund Finder
* Schmooze Queen
* Dialer for Dollars
* Solicitor with Skillz

The possibilities are endless--let me know if you have any suggestions. I should be ordering my new business cards soon...

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