Wednesday, October 01, 2008

for real?

In keeping with my new year's resolution to do a different service project every month, I have been utilizing the services of a local organization that specializes in matching up volunteers with non-profits that need volunteer help. They have a very handy calendar of volunteer opportunities on their website, and I have used it to sign up for a multitude of fun projects, discovering many wonderful non-profit programs in the process.

Today as I was browsing the calendar, one project titled "Cooking for the Coaches" caught my eye. I imagined that it might involve cooking brownies or some other treat for coaches of inner-city youth teams, or providing dinner for life coaches at a non-profit organization, or something along those lines. So, I clicked on the link to read the description.

"Description: Volunteers are needed to assist with preparing and serving an evening meal for the Titan coaches every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 1:30-4:30pm.
Impact Areas: Homelessness/Hunger: Meal Service"

Um, I'm sorry. Did it say that I would be cooking dinner for the Titan's coaches? Like, the pro-football team Tennessee Titans? Maybe I'm mistaken, but can't the Titans' coaches afford to buy or make their own dinners...probably even more so than I can???

The dinners are organized through 2nd Harvest Food Bank, which is a non-profit that serves the low-income and homeless community. I know that 2nd Harvest's offices and warehouse are just down the street from the Titans' practice facilities, so maybe they are trying to be good neighbors, but I severely hope that they aren't using the organization's resources to provide dinners three nights a week for pro-football coaches. I'm pretty sure they don't qualify as low-income or homeless.

I mean, dude, if you're a Titans football coach and feel a little hungry, get Vince Young to go buy you a burger.


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