So I got one of those forwarded e-mail surveys from a friend today, but rather than filling in my answers and sending it along, I thought I would post it here instead. Why? Well, a) because it is lunch time and I am taking a break from work as I am chowing on my Calypso tuna salad, b) I haven't been inspired to write about anything in over a week, so the blog has been looking a little stale, and c) a lot of my friends hate receiving forwarded e-mails.
The "4 things you may or may not have known about me" survey:
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. HR assistant at the bus company in Chattanooga (CARTA)
2. waitressing at Olive Garden (which is why I never eat there anymore)
3. copy editing intern at Miller Freeman Publishing in NYC--for Insurance & Technology magazine (riveting stuff to read, I tell ya)
4. sales clerk at Brookstone--and yes, we totally played with all of the gadgets after closing
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Princess Bride (anybody wanna peanut?)
2. Life is Beautiful
3. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
4. Breakfast at Tiffany's
Four places I have lived:
1. Chattanooga, TN
2. Franklin, TN
3. NYC
4. Nashville, TN
wow...maybe I should aim for moving
out of TN next...
Four TV Shows I watch
1. How I Met Your Mother
2. Hell's Kitchen
3. House
4. Dexter
Four places I have been:
1. Italy
2. France
3. Australia
4. Jamaica
Four of my favorite foods
1. Sushi
2. Thai
3. Potatoes
4. Hummus
(ok, so I realize that 2 of those are foods and 2 are types of food...but whatever, it's my list)
Four Places I love to shop:
1. TJ Maxx
2. Katwalk Shoes
3. Fabu
4. Woodland Wine Merchant
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. At a beach
2. Out west visiting friends (either in CO or CA)
3. Backpacking through Europe
4. On a boat
And now, my salad is done, and it's time for me to get back to event-planning. Hopefully, I can come up with something a tad more original for my next post...