Monday, July 21, 2008

recipe for fun

Ingredients of the weekend: girlfriends, laughter, wine, bright red shoes with 4-inch heels, the greatest cab ride ever, jello shots, Elvis sunglasses, honky-tonks, funny pictures with statues on 2nd Avenue, dancing, a blinking red necklace, 2 a.m. french onion dip, facials, Nashville's Most Wanted Pizza, pajamas and funky footwear, sparkle nail polish, a slightly modified version of pin the tail on the donkey, a pink caboodle, quizzes from a teen magazine, a documentary on a certain type of body puppetry that was disturbing on so many levels, make-your-own sundaes, a scary cactus, a dvd trivia game with a surprise video appearance by Todd, Pop Rocks, staying up late, sleeping in, mimosas, porch-sitting, and incredible amounts of food.

Put them all together, and what do you get? One of the best weekends ever, with some of the most fabulous friends a girl could ever ask for. Thank you, Mary V., for the extraordinary amount of time and heart you put into making it such a special weekend, and thank you to all of my friends who contributed to the celebration. You all, quite simply, rock my world.

1 comment:

Margie said...

Dave was slightly disturbed when I brought that cactus home.