Thursday, November 29, 2007


avuncular adj. Of or having to do with an uncle. Regarded as characteristic of an uncle, especially in benevolence or tolerance.

This post is in memory of George Kile, my dad's cousin, who passed away suddenly last night of a heart attack. He was close in age to my parents, and since we are a pretty tight-knit family, I always just thought of him as my uncle George.

Rest in peace, dear uncle George, we will miss you. You left this world far too soon.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

T-Day pictures

Thanksgiving Day, as told in pictures:

There's nothing quite like a big, raw bird...mmmmmm:

(please excuse the extremely unflattering angle/pose, which makes it look more like I am the butterball in the picture)

Todd pitched in, too--here he is chopping potatoes:

Ta-da! the completed buffet:

What it looked like on my plate:

(it may not look as good as the pictures in the cookbooks, but it was mighty tasty!)

Oh, and in the midst of it all, we re-arranged the kitchen:

--and we also decided that we need a bigger kitchen!

The biggest miracle of the holiday, though, was not the fact that my first turkey turned out juicy and perfectly cooked, or that the only thing I forgot to put out on the table was the cranberry sauce. No, the biggest miracle was that, even though I spent two full days around a hot stove and sharp cooking utensils, I managed to only cut myself once (on the plastic trash can lid, no less) and burn myself once (please note, the handle of a cast-iron skillet will stay hot for awhile, especially if it has spent 20 minutes in a 350-degree oven). That, my friends, is what I call success.

Now, who's ready for Christmas dinner??

Friday, November 23, 2007

menu for success

Before I give a full report on the Thanksgiving dinner project, I wanted to give a shout out to one of my favorite websites, Every single recipe that I used for Thanksgiving dinner was new, never-tried-before in my kitchen, which I admit is a pretty big risk when cooking a special occasion dinner for guests. But, I felt pretty confident since I garnered 90% of my recipes from the allrecipes site, where people who have tried the recipes can rate them and offer suggestions on tweaking the recipe to make it even better.

The final menu:
Winter Salad
Deviled Eggs*
Herb Roasted Turkey
Grandma's Cornbread Dressing (which I tweaked to make vegetarian)
Garlic Mashed Red Potatoes
Parmesan Asparagus
Green Bean Casserole
Roasted Vegetable Medley
Broccoli Cauliflower Bake*
Corn Pudding*
Fresh Cranberry Sauce
Yeast Rolls
Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake
Spiced Apple Cake
Coconut Pecan Pie*
(*in fairness, I can't take credit for these items--they were brought by guests)

My favorites of the bunch were the Winter Salad, Roasted Vegetable Medley (who knew I would enjoy turnips so much?), and the Pumpkin Cheesecake.

Cooking everything was a 2-day enterprise, but it was worth it. My least favorite part was, yes, preparing the turkey-especially dealing with the innards. At one point, in removing the bag of junk from the body cavity, one of the reddish-purple body parts slipped from the sack and fell into the sink. Ugh. And I thought to myself, this is one of the reasons that I am a vegetarian, because I don't like having organs fall out of my food while I am preparing it. Although, I have to say that it felt like quite an accomplishment when I finished it. And, according to my guests, it was quite good. I think I'll just take their word for it.

I will post pictures soon...I hope everyone had a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving (and if you're still hungry, feel free to drop by--we've got plenty of leftovers!)

**new editor's note: I goofed in this post...I gave a lot of credit to allrecipes for the success of my dinner, but I failed to recognize the woman who actually taught me how to cook. So, thank you, Mom, for helping me learn my way around a kitchen. Next time I bake a cake, I'll save the batter bowl for you...

Monday, November 19, 2007


So for the first time in my life, I am hosting the Thanksgiving Gluttony Extravanganza at my house. This should be extremely interesting because:

1) I am a vegetarian and have never cooked a turkey in my life, but I now have a 12 pound butterball sitting in my fridge, just waiting for the basting to begin.
2) There are 7 people coming for dinner. I only own 6 plates that match, 6 forks (total), and a table that seats, you guessed it, 6.
3) About 80% of my recipes require cooking in the oven. My oven is small, and will mostly be inhabited by the aforementioned 12-lb turkey. This is where being an engineer might come in handy.
4) The entire time I am running around my tiny kitchen cooking, I will be followed around by this monster, just waiting for me to drop something:

(please note the remnants of whatever-he-chewed-up-last still dangling from his lip)

Yes, it is going to be an interesting day. I will try to remember to take pictures to document and share.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Apparently, I stink at blogging. I started two blogs a year or so ago, and they have both been stagnant for quite some time now. I tried to psycho-analyze myself based on this I lack commitment? am I the type who has grand ideas but no follow-through? is my life so un-interesting that I have too little to blog about? But when I thought long and hard about it, I realized that the great blogging drought of 2007 was primarily due to two things:
1) I don't have a computer with internet at home (Hi, my name is Tiffany, and I live in the Dark Ages), and
2) I have been far, far too busy at work to even think about writing.

So, life isn't exactly less hectic now, especially with holidays quickly approaching, but I am going to try, try, try to be better about this whole blogging thing.

Here are a couple of pictures from the year-in-review:
We took Tucker camping and canoeing for the first time (that was interesting)

The family went to South Carolina for a beach trip, and the women got a little wild:

We took part in the Tomato Art of my favorite events in East Nashville:

Ok, so that's all for now, because I don't really have that many pictures stored on my work computer (unless you want to see pictures of the alumni golf tournament...probably not).