Monday, October 25, 2010

Closing time

I go through phases where I analyze different aspects of my life, and lately I've been thinking about this blog. And I realized a few things:

1. Only about a half dozen people actually read this blog (and half of those, I believe, are family).
2. Most of what I write is not really of much interest/importance to the general public (as 99% of my posts spark zero commentary).
3. Anything I have to say that is of importance/interest, I could just share directly with that half dozen of friends and family, instead of posting it on a public blog.

Meaning that--this blog is pretty much unnecessary. It is kind of a sad realization, because I think that we all like to believe, at some level, that our every thought and musing should be infinitely interesting to others, and that everyone who stumbles upon our writings would be instantly hooked, and we'd soon have so many followers, we'd be rivaling dooce in popularity.

But, I know that I do not fall under that description. I lead a quiet, insignificant life that is only interesting to myself and a very small, select group of others. And that's ok.

So, I am suspending my blog. I don't have the heart to delete it entirely just yet, as it contains elements of a journal of the past four years for me, and I sometimes like to look back on those old stories. But, this is my final post.

For those of you who have read regularly or who have stumbled upon this blog and taken time to look around, thank you. If I know you well, I will still be sharing my musings with you, just in different ways.

thanks and love,
Aunt TT


Margie said...

I respect the decision, but I'm sad. I loved seeing your newest post pop up in my Google Reader and will miss your blog very much.

TT said...

Thank you, sweet friend--you are one of the faithful few! And I will certainly be keeping in touch...