Monday, June 16, 2008

letting the days go by

Things I have learned about myself recently, in no particular order:

* I have a hole in my head. No, really. There's a very large dent/soft spot in my skull near the front of my head, and I'm not sure if it just recently occurred, or if I just recently discovered it. It's disconcerting, but I probably won't go to the doctor about it unless it gets bigger, or unless I start randomly fainting.
* I really don't like fake meat products that try too hard to taste like meat. I know that my Chik'n Griller is made of soy, so I'm o.k. with it if it tastes more like tofu than meat. If it tastes more like a freezer-burned version of a McD's chicken patty, then ick.
* I can still get a tan. I thought I had lost the ability to tan, because I haven't had much color to my skin since the mid-90's. However, doing lots of yardwork lately has led to a nice golden skin tone. So, I discovered that my problem is actually that I grew up and got a job that no longer allows me to spend all of my summers outside, and not, in fact, my suspicion that I used up all of my melanin when I was a tanning teenager.
* I run kind of like Phoebe on Friends. I've always known that I run somewhat awkwardly, because I have long arms and legs that tend to fly about when I am attempting to propel myself forward at increased speeds. But, pictures from the 1/2 Marathon gave me photographic proof that it is worse than I imagined. Just ask my running partner.
* I can eat an entire pizza by myself. Multiple hours of yardwork does wonders for the appetite. After a day of manual labor, I can down 8-10 pieces of pizza as fast as you can say "Would you like to try a slice of the 'East of Eden'?"
* I definitely don't need/want more than 2 pets. Pet-sitting for friends is great, and I honestly don't mind doing it, but I'm always glad when our crazy home life drops back down to the dull roar of a 2-dog household. So, if I ever even mention the possibility of adopting another pet, please lock me in a closet until the urge passes. Unless it's a fish. No, wait--I can just imagine Tucker attempting to go fishin' in the tank while we're not home. Nevermind.

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