Thursday, March 12, 2009


So here we are in Tennessee, which most anyone with geographical sense would consider to be in the South, and some might even go so far as to call it the "Deep South."

And yet, it is March 12th, just one day before Spring Break officially begins, and it is 35 degrees cold and sleeting outside. Seriously, I think some schools are even closed.

I can imagine you reading this and saying, "Dear God, is she complaining about the weather AGAIN?"

Why yes, YES I AM. Because I live in TENNESSEE. And my favorite thing about living in the South is not the funny accents or the fried chicken or the insane football fever--it is the lovely, temperate weather. And right now, I am sorely disappointed.

If I have to put on my dog-hair-covered winter coat one more time, I just might scream. And then move to Florida.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

but then you'll complain about hurricanes. look at the bright side of life and think, "oh, I hope it gets really cold for two days. like 25 degrees cold. and then all those mosquito larvae that were born in the warm weather will die and we'll have fewer mosquitos to deal with this summer!"
