Tuesday, November 27, 2007

T-Day pictures

Thanksgiving Day, as told in pictures:

There's nothing quite like a big, raw bird...mmmmmm:

(please excuse the extremely unflattering angle/pose, which makes it look more like I am the butterball in the picture)

Todd pitched in, too--here he is chopping potatoes:

Ta-da! the completed buffet:

What it looked like on my plate:

(it may not look as good as the pictures in the cookbooks, but it was mighty tasty!)

Oh, and in the midst of it all, we re-arranged the kitchen:

--and we also decided that we need a bigger kitchen!

The biggest miracle of the holiday, though, was not the fact that my first turkey turned out juicy and perfectly cooked, or that the only thing I forgot to put out on the table was the cranberry sauce. No, the biggest miracle was that, even though I spent two full days around a hot stove and sharp cooking utensils, I managed to only cut myself once (on the plastic trash can lid, no less) and burn myself once (please note, the handle of a cast-iron skillet will stay hot for awhile, especially if it has spent 20 minutes in a 350-degree oven). That, my friends, is what I call success.

Now, who's ready for Christmas dinner??


Margie said...

It looks like a feast fit for a king! Well done! Your kitchen looks fabulous! :)

"Jeneric" said...

How do you know if the turkey was juicy? :-)

TT said...

It squirted when I stuck a fork in it. :)