Thursday, November 15, 2007


Apparently, I stink at blogging. I started two blogs a year or so ago, and they have both been stagnant for quite some time now. I tried to psycho-analyze myself based on this I lack commitment? am I the type who has grand ideas but no follow-through? is my life so un-interesting that I have too little to blog about? But when I thought long and hard about it, I realized that the great blogging drought of 2007 was primarily due to two things:
1) I don't have a computer with internet at home (Hi, my name is Tiffany, and I live in the Dark Ages), and
2) I have been far, far too busy at work to even think about writing.

So, life isn't exactly less hectic now, especially with holidays quickly approaching, but I am going to try, try, try to be better about this whole blogging thing.

Here are a couple of pictures from the year-in-review:
We took Tucker camping and canoeing for the first time (that was interesting)

The family went to South Carolina for a beach trip, and the women got a little wild:

We took part in the Tomato Art of my favorite events in East Nashville:

Ok, so that's all for now, because I don't really have that many pictures stored on my work computer (unless you want to see pictures of the alumni golf tournament...probably not).

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