Thursday, November 06, 2008

sometimes, the heart needs to rant

Lately, I have been thinking that I either:
a) have unresolved anger in my heart (which often seems to surface in the form of road rage)
b) have very high expectations of other people
c) have become less patient or tolerant as I age
d) have a greater need to speak out against perceived injustices, or
e) the ever-popular "all of the above"

Exhibit A:
One morning last week, I was stuck in terrible traffic on Briley. One lane was blocked due to a stalled car, and then just a mile from that point, the other lane was blocked due to construction. I was actually feeling rather patient, not angry or annoyed (except for questioning why they would be doing this small bit of construction during rush hour). It took an hour to travel about 5 miles, which meant that I, and probably the majority of people around me, was running late for work. Finally, the lanes opened up--at last, freedom to drive at normal speeds! Well, just over the next hill, not even 1/2 mile from where the lanes opened, sat a traffic cop on a motorcycle with a radar gun. Immediately, I was livid. So angry that I came extremely close to pulling over my car, walking up to the cop and saying "You are evil. Everyone coming over this hill has just been stuck in traffic for at least an hour, they are probably late for work, and now you are going to make their day even worse by citing them for speeding if they are trying to make up a little time. Can't you find somewhere better to be?" I didn't do it, because I didn't really feel like getting myself cited for some random infraction of berating a police officer or something, but I boiled about it until lunchtime.

And, yes, I realize that the police officer would have been completely justified in ticketing someone if he/she was speeding, regardless of the circumstances, but still. EVIL.

I’ll post Exhibit B tomorrow, so that this doesn’t turn into the world’s longest blog post…

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