Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Today is election day, and I am nervous. Why? Because I think that there are a lot of people out there who vote without thinking. They just vote to vote, or they vote for whomever their parents or friends are voting for, or they vote straight party line regardless of the candidate...or they vote for a myriad of other reasons that have nothing to do with the important issues our country is facing or the qualifications and policies of the candidates.

There is one thing in particular that has bothered me lately, because I have heard it in conversations of friends and acquaintances, and it is the idea that being Christian = voting Republican. And people who think this way will usually point to the hot-button topics of abortion and gay marriage as the primary reasons that Christians should vote Republican.

But I disagree. I believe that there are far more issues to be concerned with, and far more thoughtful ways to approach those issues.

If you are a Christian and think that your faith necessarily dictates your party, I would encourage you to read this article from the Huffington Post. I don't agree with everything that the author says, but I do think that he makes a lot of good points worth considering.

I can't make you ignore the fear-mongering propaganda that a certain party (and many churches) have been perpetuating, but I can ask you to submit a thoughtful and educated vote. Please, vote wisely today.

And now, I will step off my soapbox.


Sam said...

TT: No, stay on that soapbox. One's faith should be, as I read you saying, a completely personal guide to how one meanders through this nasty, brutish, and short life. One should not let the appearances of a priori dicta dictate (that's redundant) how one votes. Here, both candidates are Christian, and both candidates (it seems to me) have used their faith as just one of the many beacons that define their social policies and moral philosophies. Only one entity should be able to decide how a voter votes. That's not Jesus, Y*hw*h, or Allah. Nor is it Keith Olbermann or Bill O'Reilly. It's the voter him/herself.

So, don't get off the soapbox. Just save some room up there for me, too, apparently.

Kimberly said...

As an agnostic, I'm glad you've posted this. I've been confused about the Christian = Republican equation for quite some time. I understand that faith is outside of reason, outside of logic, which is not to say that it is opposite of reason or logic but that it does not depend on either. Which makes reading the Bible for guidance all the more important, I would think, and not just the parts that a person likes or agrees with. I'm confused about the willingness of some (including non-Christians) to follow demagogues, and I appreciate your advocacy for casting an informed, thoughtful vote, whatever that vote may be.

Of course, the informed, thoughtful vote is for Obama. (Couldn't resist.)

Sam said...

Matthew 22:21

TT said...

S-Of course, there is room on the soapbox for you, too.
K-I agree with you on your assessment of the informed, thoughtful vote!