Thursday, December 20, 2007

a crash course

Lessons I have learned so far on my low-carb journey (all 3 days of it, at this point):

1. Everything has carbs. Seriously. Even things you wouldn't think have carbs, well, they do. It's scary when you really start reading those nutrition labels. I have decided that carbs are like dust mites--you may not see them, but they are lurking everywhere...
2. I hate cottage cheese. I am really trying to like it, because it's one of the few things I can eat, but ick. Curd freaks me out.
3. Without high carb foods, I am hungry all the time. It's like I have a carb-hole in my stomach that is no longer being filled...and it is lonely and scared and angry. No really, it growls at me.
4. Don't try to buy low-carb versions of things that should naturally be high carb. I was starving yesterday afternoon (see #3), so I thought I would swing by the local smoothie purveyor and see if they might happen to sell low-carb smoothies, and lo and behold, they did. My stomach did a little leap for joy, and I ordered the strawberry variety. I took a big sip and...Oh dear God, who put chalk in my drink?!? Seriously, if Milk of Magnesia made a smoothie, that's what it would taste like. Let's just call it milkshake of magnesia and be done. Double ick.

But, despite all of those things, I feel like I'm doing pretty well so far. According to my research, though, I will probably experience a "carb crash" somewhere between days 3 and 5, so yay! Something to look forward to...

1 comment:

"Jeneric" said...

So did you mention why you gave up yummy carbs? :-) I too am cutting back on the yummies, as I call them. Cake, cookies, ooey-gooey, etc... in hopes that my blood sugar will regulate and my health will get better! Good luck.