Sunday, May 11, 2008

random thoughts from the road

I'm spending a few days in lovely and historic Chatt-town, visiting the family and, well, sleeping (I had a two-hour nap today that was totally uninterrupted by dogs. It was glorious.) Here are some random observations from my road-trip down here:

* There is a flea market on top of Monteagle where you can buy socks, t-shirts, and camoflonge. That's not a typo...that's actually what the sign said, camoflonge. Being a curious person, I googled it to see if it might actually be a legit item, and not just an egregious misspelling of camouflage (it is, in fact, the latter). But, someone else had totally taken a picture of the same sign and posted it on the internet. Here it is:

Randomly, the syllable "flonge" makes me think of another word that I like-- phalanges. Not sure why, I just think it is fun to say.

* As I was driving, I saw a Michigan license plate, and it reminded me that I used to call people from that state "Michiganese". Then I dated a guy who was from the Detroit area, and he let me know that the correct term was "Michiganders". I still like my word better. Michiganders makes me think of geese.

*On the highway going down Monteagle mountain towards Chattanooga, there are occasional emergency truck ramps off to the side-- long, upward-sloping gravel ramps that trucks can use if they are having trouble braking on their descent. Every time I pass these, I always have the urge to gun it and see how far I could drive my car up the ramp. It just seems like it would be fun to try it out. Well, until it gets to the part where your car gets stuck, and someone has to come and tow you out, and you get cited for being an idiot. That might not be so fun.

* Today was extremely windy. My car is extremely small and light. It makes for an interesting combination, and a rather exciting drive (Hey, look there, I just changed lanes without even meaning to. Sweet!)

Ok, I think that's it for road, it's time for me to go sleep some more...

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