Tuesday, May 06, 2008

the dog days of spring

Sunday was totally a dog day. Here's the sequence of events:

Approximately 8:00am--Todd has left for golf, and I am putzing around picking up laundry. I glance out the window to check on the dogs in the backyard, only to see Tucker take a flying leap over the back of the fence at that exact moment. Sweet. I get to go chase my dog through the neighborhood in my pajamas. So, if you were sitting in your kitchen Sunday morning, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper, and you looked out the window to see a woman wearing a bathrobe and wonky glasses traipsing through your yard carrying a leash and a dog treat, then hi, I'm your neighbor, and I'm sorry if my dog chewed on your gladiolas.

8:20am--Tucker is relegated to puppy-jail, to sit and think about what he has done wrong. Levi is in the backyard playing with the neighbor's dog...or at least I think that's what he is doing, until I hear a crash in the basement. I go investigate and discover that Levi has knocked Tucker's big bag of dog food over, and it has spilled down the stairs, and he and the neighbor dog are now having a feast. Side note--add dog food to the grocery list. Second side note--large bags of dog food generally aren't cheap.

9:00am-- Tucker is released from puppy-jail and decides that he needs to proclaim the injustices he has suffered to the entire world, so he proceeds to stand in the backyard and bark his fool head off...despite my repeated commands of "Tucker, no bark!" I have decided that Tucker either doesn't understand this command, or he just refuses to follow it. I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

10:00am-- Yep, Tucker is still barking...and now he has persuaded the other dogs to join him. It's kind of like a symphony. No, more like a cacophony.

10:30am-- I am getting ready to leave, so I bring the dogs inside as I'm gathering my things. I walk into the back bedroom only to discover that Levi has peed all over the bed. Really, dog? You've been outside all morning long, and you've only been inside for 5 minutes, and now you decide to release your bladder? On the bed? Ironically, when I told a friend last week that Levi had peed on the couch, he said "That's the 2nd worst place he could have peed-- the first being the bed." Yep, bingo. Now all Levi has to do is piss in my car, and he'll have a trifecta!

So, it isn't even noon yet, and already my day has gone to the dogs. And I can't help but wonder two things:
1. Why did man think it was a good idea to try to domesticate animals?
2. And why, oh why, when we already had one dog that was quite a handful all on his own did I think that "hey, let's get another dog" sounded like a good plan?

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