Tuesday, September 23, 2008



I realize that I am a little late for Talk Like a Pirate Day, but aaarrrgh. I'm frustrated.

Why? Because I am tired of talking about gas, thinking about gas, hearing about gas, watching stories about gas on tv, driving by insane lines at the gas station and watching people freak out over gas, and worrying about how much gas I have left in the car, because once it's gone, I have to join those insane lines of gas-crazy people.

It. is. ridiculous.

People, chill. Stop acting crazy and hoarding gas like there's no tomorrow. If you have a half tank of gas or more, you should not be sitting in those lines. If you are taking time to fill up multiple gas cans at the pump, I hope that you intend to go out and help stranded motorists with your stockpile and that you aren't just hoarding it for the gas apocalypse that you seem to think is happening.

If you're so worried, stop contributing to the problem and think about ways not to use gas. Ride your bike. Take a bus (yes, I realize that public transit in Nashville is terribly sub-par, but it's there). Carpool. Eliminate unnecessary trips. Walk.

Just don't go idling your half-full SUV in the middle of Harding Pike because you're waiting in line to get into the gas station a mile down the street, so you can fill up your car and three extra gas cans "just in case". Because if that's you, you're an idiot, and you totally deserve to have the gas pump run dry while the guy in front of you is using it.



Margie said...

Sing it sister. We were behind an RV filling up his ENTIRE 5 MILLION GALLON TANK. I wanted to cry. I was on empty. I hardly ever drive, but needed to that day. And I was stuck behind the worlds largest RECREATION vehicle. (sigh)

Unknown said...

i googled and found that AAA has reported that nashville has the worst gas shortages in the southeast. weird.

from your perspective, do you think that people's driving habits will change, even temporarily, because of the shortage? it would definitely have an effect in NYC, but that is an unfair comparison because there are quality options for those that don't/can't drive.

TT said...

M: Girl, if I had been behind that guy, I think I would have been responsible for starting a riot.

J-P: Unfortunately, no. There's so much sprawl in Nashville, and so few (good) options for alternative transportation...I think people will continue business as usual and just hope there's more gas by the next time they have to fill up.