Thursday, May 07, 2009

sunshine of the mind

So I could write yet another blog about the weather...and how rain seems to have become a daily constant. I could talk about how it has gotten to the point where it isn't even good for the plants anymore, because it is drowning the farms. I could say that it is starting to make me SADD, and it gives me yet another reason why 2009 and I aren't friends.

But instead, I am going to try to focus on a couple of positives. Things that make me happy.

1. Electronic hole punches. Ok, not that using a manual hole punch is really all that difficult--unless you have raging carpal tunnel syndrome--but have you used one of these electric ones? I have been assembling multiple reunion planning packets this week, and this gadget has made my life so easy. I can punch perfect holes in 20 pages at once with just my pinky. Pretty powerful. And awesome.

2. Long-term friendships. Today is the birthday of one of my dearest friends. We are now both 32, which means that we have known each other for 20 years...and amazingly, after all that time we still love each other and enjoy each other's company. Most marriages don't even last that long. But even without a binding contract, we have managed to put up with each other's madness. She has seen me through many unfortunate hairstyle choices, some pretty random dating relationships, and a whole lot of laughter and tears. There are far too many inside jokes to even begin a list. But only she understands why fishing lures + eyebrows = funny.

Here's to the little things--and the big things-- that make this life brighter. Even when it won't stop raining.

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